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The Marriage Vaccine


From the moment the Coronavirus transitioned from simply a mysterious contagious disease to a deadly pandemic the collective masses have been looking to the emergence of a vaccine to feel safe to begin gathering again. The technical definition of a vaccine is “a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.” In English, a vaccine is a substance that we receive that teaches the body to become immune to a disease. Often the substance is a small amount of the disease you want to avoid. After receiving a vaccine, the hope is that we can be exposed to the disease but not be impacted by the disease. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a vaccine for our marriages?

Actually… we have a formula for a marriage vaccine, there’s no shortage of the ingredients, and the open patent makes it available to every wife and husband. Here’s the list of the ingredients.

Humility Transparency Communication Commitment Forgiveness Godly Counsel Trust Faith The Word of God Prayer

The formula? Equal parts of each ingredients applied daily. Some ingredients will require more use depending on the specific nature of the problem. Just like with the virus, we can’t be absolutely certain when or where we’ll be exposed but we will be exposed. That’s why it’s important that we understand the nature of these problems and get vaccinated. The great news is that unlike the Covid-19 vaccine, there are no restrictions on who is eligible. All of us are welcome to use as many of the ingredients listed above and there’s no limit. These vaccine ingredients have to be approved for anytime they’re needed but they are particularly available for Emergency Use Authorization.

One other note. Just like with the Covid-19 vaccine, there is an anti-vaxxer movement. Yes, even in a marriage there are those who spread conspiracy theories about this most personal of vaccinations… “We don’t need a marriage retreat, we’re good.” “A counselor, I don’t need anybody telling me what to do with my marriage.” Yes, just like distributing the vaccine is useless if you can’t get it people’s arms, a marriage vaccine is useless if couples leave the ingredients sitting on the shelf.

What about you? Are you part of the anti-vaxxer movement or are you ready to inject your marriage with the 10 ingredients of the marriage vaccine?

Mike Watkins Atlanta, GA


Heart of Marriage ©2025

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