God is the foundation to marriage Marriage is a marathon not a sprint and God must be at the center in order to succeed. In Matthew 7:24 – 27 the scripture tells us that a man who builds his house on a rock is wise because it will withstand heavy rains, floods and strong winds and still be standing. However, a man that builds his house on sand is foolish because it will not be able to withstand the onslaught of heavy rains, floods and strong winds and it will crumble because the foundation is not strong. Marriage must follow the same principle as the scripture referenced above. God is the rock that our marriage must use as the foundation to withstand the challenges we may face through the years. Michele and I have been married for twenty-five years and have faced our share of storms over the years. However, because of God, we have been able to withstand the storms. So you ask how do we do it? Well, first of all I believe God must be the head of your marriage. Secondly, marriage is not a spectator's sport. Everyone have to be active participants in the marriage in order for it to succeed. It takes work to have a good marriage. Third, no marriage succeeds when the individuals focused on their own selfish needs. Marriage is a selfless act of unconditional love for someone other than yourself. Through our twenty-five years of marriage, Michele and I have made many marriage renovations as we have grown in our God given relationship. I am a firm believer that a strong marriage is based on partnership, selflessness and unconditional love. I thank God for such a prayerful, loving and understanding wife. If you want your marriage to be strong, then God must be at the center.
God At The Center